dinsdag, september 17, 2024
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Demo Articles

Template Features

Top Features

1Free, GPL Template: The Grunge template is completely free, and distributed with the GPL license. The Gantry framework that lays at its functional core is also GPL.

2Gantry Framework: A new framework / structure, from December 2009 onwards that provides a more modern, efficient and cross-platform foundation for our templates.

3CSS Menu: Equipped with styling for a CSS based dropdown menu, simply assign a Joomla menu module to a header position.

Core Template Features

Below is a list of the core template features which pertain to this release.

  • JComments Integration [3rd Party Extension]
    JComents is a free 3rd party commenting system. It adds commenting facilities to articles across your joomla site. We have styled this component so it fits neatly with Grunge.
  • RTL Support
    RTL support from Gantry in its grid system, as well as RTL support in the Fusion menu, in conjunction with the template itself such as the breadcrumbs, content typography and module styling.
  • IE6 Warning Message
    A dropdown panel will appear in IE6, alerting the visitor to update their browser. This can be disabled in the template parameters.
  • Content Typography
    Customised typography, such as list styles and span notices, are included with this release.
  • 68 Module Positions
    The template has over 68 module positions which are collapsible.
  • Browser Compatibility
    The theme is compatible with all the major and modern browsers: FF 3.6, Safari 4, Opera 10.x, IE8 & IE8. There is limited support for IE6 as it is restricted in numerous ways such as LTR being automatically set regardless of RTL presence and various other elements are dropped or modified for basic compatibility.
  • Valid Code
    The template is fully compliant with the XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS3 standards, as set by the World Wide Web Consortium.

Preset Styles

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Gantry Framework

Definition of Gantry

gan·try (gan′trē) noun

  1. (RocketTheme) A framework used for assembling, building and maintaining a RocketTheme template

Overview of Gantry

Gantry is a sophisticated Joomla template framework with the sole intention of being the best platform to build a solid template with. Gantry takes all the lessons learned during the development of many RocketTheme templates and distils that knowledge into a single super-flexible framework that is easy to configure, simple to extend, and powerful enough to handle anything we want to throw at it.

Key Features

The Gantry framework is packed with many great features that enable the rapid development of feature-rich designs with a minimum amount of effort. We've also gone to great lengths to enhance the standard Joomla administration user interface to make configuring a Gantry-powered template easier than ever before. Check out a sampling of the features Gantry brings to the table:

  • 960 Grid System
  • Stunning Administrator interface
  • XML driven and with overrides for unprecedented levels of customization
  • Per-menu-item level control over any configuration parameter
  • Preset any combination of configuration parameters, and save custom presets
  • 65 base module positions. Easily add more!
  • 36 possible layout combinations for mainbody and sidebars
  • Up to 3 sidebars for a total of 4 column layouts
  • Many built-in features such as font-sizer, to-top smooth slider, IE6 warning message, etc.
  • Flexible grid layout system for unparalleled control over block sizes

More Features

Installing/Updating Gantry

The Gantry library is a separate from the templates that use it. It is installed separately as com_gantry (although will not appear under Components in the Joomla Administrator). Therefore, to update Gantry, you just need to reinstall through the Joomla interface rather than manually edit files in the template.

Each template will have a bundle download option available to install both the template and the Gantry library at the same time, in conjunction with a standalone download.

Overview of the Administrator Interface

The administrative interface for Gantry is one of, if not the, most extensive and intuitive Joomla administrators in the community as a whole today. Gantry takes the template parameter ability of Joomla and takes it to the next level with a robust, diverse, functional and overall, substantial array of options to control, essentially, all aspects of the template.

The best way to discover all the options available, as well as what they do, is to visit the administrator itself at Extensions → Template Manager → rt_grunge_j15

The options are subdivided into various categories:

  • Preset - Select from an array of prebuilt presets
  • Settings - Configure preset specific settings such as Link Color
  • Features - Control the various Gantry features such as Date
  • Layout - Customize the layout options of Gantry such as the Feature-a/f row distribution
  • Advanced - Various other options are located here

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